Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back in Sweden

It feels so wierd being back in Sweden. So nuts! Only a few days ago, I was with friends in Park Falls, hanging out, water skiing, graduating...

And now I'm here, i this huge city; Stockholm. And by the way It's so darn hot outside, I can hardly stand it! :P

But, Except my "culture chock reverse" , it's just great here. :)

My flight went all right, though I was like 18 pounds over with both my bags! At the airport of Stockholm, mom dad Karl Agnes and Henrik welcomed me with Swedish hats, scarves, flags and balloons. We were all laughing and crying, finally all together again!

And today I got a letter from my school, saying............ I got in! *phoue* What a releaf :)
Friday I'm flying to Paris and Geneve. I'll tell you all about that when I get back, but first, lets put up some pictures of those Americans that I love more than anything.

Monday, June 2, 2008

tjugo minuter

for ca tjugo minuter sedan vacktes jag av att mamma Josie kramade om mig. For tjugo minuter sedan fick jag saga hejda till Josie som ar pa vag tillbaka till Las Vegas. Askbuller hors langt bort, drar sig sakta mot Park Falls, och jag har svart att somna om.

Pa onsdag galler det. Pa onsdag aker jag verkligen fran Park Falls, till Wasau Airport. Starten pa min langa resa hem till Sverige.
Allt kanns sa overkligt. Nu hander det.