Friday, May 30, 2008

A Little Bit of Park Falls to all the Sweeds Out There

hej This is Laura one of Johanna's American friends, but that is most likely obvious because i am writing in English. I'm sure all of you know that Johanna just spent a year in America but not just America she lived in Park Falls, Wisconsin. It's different enough coming to a new country but moving from Stockholm to Park Falls is a big change. In Stockholm everything is crazy and big and just full of excitement. Well in Park Falls, you can almost name every single person in our high school. If that doesn't give you a good picture we have like 3,000 people in the whole town which by the way you can walk across the whole town without getting tired. So that is our town good old Park Falls. If something happens here within the next couple minutes everyone knows. It is one of the negative parts of living in this small town. Drama Drama Drama that is the thyme song of this town it's okay though we get used to it. Today was the last day of school for the seniors. It was very sad to see them all go espically Johanna. She is a great girl and i don't know what I am going to do without her when she goes home. She is going to graduate on Saturday and everyone should be very proud of her. She has done great things in this little town of Park Falls and made a great impression on a lot of us here. I think I speak for everyone when i say she will be greatly missed here. Anyone who knows her in Sweden should feel honered because she is a great girl! Love you Johanna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuck, måste dom skriva sånna dära saker!!

jag tyckte du sa SLUTA ÖVERTALA MIG.
får ju förfan tårar i ögonen ;)